Form N°1 (2013)


6 Editor’s note

8 Questions
Scott Johnson reflects on the dichotomy between process and product

10 Showroom
High end kitchen solutions

12 Green Works
Noll + Tam design for a green future with the El Cerrito Recycling Center

14 Making the grade
New solutions for sustainable farming

36 Unbuilt
Michael Rotondi and the speed of visual thinking


26 Scion of innovation
Graft’s “distinct ambiguity” has created a bold brand identity
By Alexi Drosu

30 His Mind’s Eye
The architectural art of capturing a landscape
By Jack Skelly

Publicado por | 13 de marzo de 2013 - 12:33 | Actualizado: 13 de marzo de 2013 - 12:53 | PDF

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