GDUSA V.48 N°4 (Mayo 2012)

10 News
A decade of design-driven in the Cooper-Hewitt-Walker Art Center exhibit; drama is the battlecry in Yolanda Santosa’s exhibit; drama is the battlecry in Yolanda Santosa’s TNT makeover; non profit Reading group’s identity is an open book, and more

16 Seen+Noted
Luis Fitch documents Twin Cities’ move toward multiculturalism; Hansen Belyea identity evokes a sense of sustainability; MTA fantasy design celebrates the multitude of Manhattan neighborhoods; and other.

22 People
Former Apple design director is creative director at Wolff Olins; Hamish Campbell joins Pearlfisher New York from London’s Lewis Moberly; Jaye Donaldson leads “Connecticut’s First Design Firm”; Ida Cheinman of Substance 15 takes home business award, and others

31 Specialty stock
When yor’re feeling like the visual world has become flat, predictable and pasteurized, take a few moments to explore a selection of specialty image collections. Art, food, history, nature, science, multiculturalism, and more. You’ll ve appreciate the wakeup call

36 Web design awards
Our American Web Design Awards celebrates the power of well-designed online communications to attract audiences, generate engagement and response, and promote products, services and ideas. Today, we announce the 2012 winners; the actual pieces can now be seen at

40 Green papers
Sustainability continues to expert a powerful impact on the shape of graphic design and, it turn, on paper and print decisions. This month, we get a preview of what designers are thinking, planning, and doing. There’ll be more detail next month

78 Call of entries
Our flagship competition is now open to everyone in the graphic design community. This most welcoming and democratic of all mayor awards programs is sponsored by iStockph

Publicado por | 25 de junio de 2012 - 12:35 | Actualizado: 25 de junio de 2012 - 12:35 | PDF

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