GDUSA V.48 N°8 (2012)

10 News
Obama and Rommey get physical in the pages of The Atlantic; CP+B delivers a new logo for Domino´s; USA Today doubles down on infographics; Warhol’s 15 minutes of soup; Sharapova’s lips promote gummies; Golden Gate typeface proves viveting; eBay identity matures; and more.

22 Seen+noted
Carbone Smolan coffee table book is 35 years in the making; Katy Perry swears they’re not fake; and Seymour Chwast answers siren call to novelize The Odyssey

30 People
Remembering Bill Moggridge; Margaret Johnson is first female partner at Goodby, Silverstein; Suka ups three to key creative posts; Kirby Rodriguez joins Oprah’s world; Brian Ganton Jr. is Hall of Famer; and many more.

36 Get out the vote
Selects posters from the AIGA’s Get Out the Vote campaign, part of the group’s Design for Democracy initiative, which helps demonstrate the value of design to the public. All the posters are no exhibit at AIGA headquarters through the end of November.

38 Autumn arrives
We ask several of our favorite stock visual provides to wow us with images of fall festivals, feasts, holidays and rituals. They do not disappoint.

64 Focus
Adobe Creative Cloud simplifies app development for print designers; Donna Farrugia of The Creative Group on tips for telecommuting; it´s love at first bite for Academy of Art University and Hershey Valentine packaging; the Visual Connections show is coming up in New York.

Publicado por | 20 de noviembre de 2012 - 10:04 | Actualizado: 20 de noviembre de 2012 - 10:04 | PDF

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