How N°4 (2012)

18 Look
What’s new and noteworthy this month: people, products, events and more

20 Calendar

22 Seen

24 Books


26 Mix studio
A mostly interactive firm with roots in print design launched an eclectic line of designer godos to feed its passion for paper.

32 Lead like an entrepreneur
You don´t have to own your own business to think, and lead, like an entrepreneur.

38 Inside the CIA
Spies have their own in-house design departments. Who knew? Get an inside llok at this talented, highly classified design team.


6 Contributors

12 New on

14 From the editor

28 Behind the design

25 How international design awards
33 How interactive design conference
37 How design live
41 How interactive design award
43 Mind your own business conference
45 The dieline forum
49 How design conference

Publicado por | 21 de agosto de 2012 - 11:22 | Actualizado: 21 de agosto de 2012 - 11:22 | PDF

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