How v.28, nº3 (2013)

50 The Real Value of Branistorming
Don’t take this powerful design tool for granted. Instead, rev up your brainstorming skills and take your work to the next level
By Heather West

58 Creative Bootcamp
Creativity speaker and author Stefan Mumaw presents a 7-day training program to help you generate better ideas more quickly
By Stefan Mumaw

64 10 Ways to Conquer Procrastination
Creatives are notorious for pushing deadlines and doing important work at the very last minute. Learn how to master these tendencies and take control of your time
By Brym Mooth

70 Bottle Service
Design firm Stranger & Stanger has made a splash in the wine and spirits packaging world. Learn why ther’re so busy that have to turn clients away
By Michelle Taute


4 Contributors

6 From the editor

8 Look

19 Sidelines

20 Behind the Design

24 How Logo Desgin Awards
33 Inhowse Design Awards
40 How Ipad Edition
76 How Design Live
84 Print Vendor Directory
85 Paper Mill Directory

41 2013 Your Best Work Design Awards
By Carmen sechrist


26 Jumping 5 Creative Hurdles
Creativity experts explain how to master the most common creative road blocks designers face

32 Turn Visitors Into Clients
Why you should offer useful, free downloads to turn online lookers into real prospects

36 11 Steps to a Great Brief
Follow this outline to create client briefs that easily translate into effective design work

78 How to be a Traveling Artist
Find and capture inspiration anywhere by keeping a travel sketchbook

88 This design, PR and social media firm creates memorable experiences for its clients

Publicado por | 7 de mayo de 2013 - 09:27 | Actualizado: 7 de mayo de 2013 - 09:27 | PDF

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