How v.28, nº4 (2013)

46 Type Savvy Six
Six young type lovers share how they’ve honed their considerable skills in such a short time .
By Allan Haley
Plus: 64 Type Foundries, page 82

54 Type & The Infographic
Make sure your type skills are up to the task of creating infographics that shine
By Denise Bosler


60 Interactive Design Award Winners
Check out the Best of Show and 10 Outstanding Achivement winners from the HOW Interactive Desgin Award to see the best of the web today.
By Michelle Taute

72 How Websites Should be Built
Process is a big part of every successful design project, but nowhere is it more important than in web design. Our expert shares a tried-and-true process that will lead to happy development teams and even happier clients
By Christopher Butler

76 Dreaming of Code-Free Design
You don’t have to be an expert coder to design for the web these days. Our interactive editor explores the tools that are making it possible for any designer to take their skills online.
By Patrick McNeil


27 The Print to Digital Transition
Don’t be intimidated by what you don’t know. You already possess many of the skills you need to become a web designer.

30 How to Build a High Performing in House Team
Ed Roberts explains the 3 keys steps to building – and retaining – a top notch in-house team

36 Designin Contracts
The AIGA recently updated its recommended contract terms to cover interactive and animation projects. Find out what’s new and ensure your next contract is air- tigh.

42 Sound Body, Sound Mind
Designers use mental exercises to fuel their creativity but often neglect to feed their minds with healthy food and physical activity. Learn how to nurture the most important tool in your arsenal – your brain

84 Learning about User Experience from Ketchup Bottles
Brian D. Miller explains why user experience is about so much more than form and function

88 Grain & Mortar
This Omaha, NE based firm boats skills from print design to programming and everything in between

Publicado por | 27 de junio de 2013 - 09:11 | Actualizado: 27 de junio de 2013 - 09:11 | PDF

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