How v.28, nº5 (2013)


6 Contributors
8 Look
16 Sidelines
18 Designing change
20 Behind the design


26 Work, Interrupted
Are time sucking interruptions like pop ins from co-workers and endless meetings draining your creativity and your productivity? Learn how to manage these distractions and minimize time-wasting tasks

32 9 ways to increase profit
The best way to boost your bottom line is to produce top notch design solutions quickly and efficiently. But there are less obvious ways to maximize your revenue, too. Find out how you can start generating additional income now

82 When one design fits all
Gone are the days of designing for a specific, fixed width resolution. Get the lowdown on what responsive design is all about how to make it part of your interactive design projects

Publicado por | 10 de septiembre de 2013 - 08:37 | Actualizado: 10 de septiembre de 2013 - 08:37 | PDF

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