How v.29, nº1 (2014)

How v 29 n°1


9 Contributors
10 Look
20 Behind the design


26 Finding Inspiration
Is your work creeping into mind-numbigly mundane territory? This is a real danger when your’re tasked with serving up the same ingredients (logo, color, font) to the same audience. Keep it fresh with these seven tips.

68 8 Ways to Brainstorm Better
Ideation is the bread and butter of a genius creative concept. Just in time for your next branstorm, we’ve culled advice from the experts to help grease the creative wheels – whether you’re working alone or on a team

72 Vitamin
Clients, like the city of Baltimore know that this seven-person firm can shape a multidisciplinary approach for shape a multidisciplinary approach for projects – spanning print to web. The firm also has the chops to craft a public relations plan with pizazz

Publicado por | 23 de enero de 2014 - 08:41 | Actualizado: 23 de enero de 2014 - 08:41 | PDF

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