Landscape Architecture Australia N°138

6 Perspective

8 Events to note
Landscape calendar

10 The Canberra issue
Celebrating Canberra´s centenary

12 Groundswell
New projects in Canberra

14 Parliament House Walk
A Project making progress

17 Bruce and Stuart Mackezie
Interviewed together

20 The National Capital in the Landscape
The legacy of Australian goberment action 1913 to 2013

23 Capithetical
A capital city for tomorrow

26 Young.Hot.Canberra
This exhibition showcases the work of some of Canberra´s emerging designers

28 Cracks in the Masterplan
Despite appearances, CAmberra is a city where designers can dream, interpret and create change

31 Canberra´s love affair with the urban forest
How can Canberra retain the trees in its open and private spaces?

34 Australia’s most healthy and sustainable city in the future?
Can Canberra maintain its high standar of urban living into the future?

39 Humanities and science campus
This public space by Spackman Mossop Michaels unifies the campus’s different elements into a coherent urban precinct

45 New action precinct
This new mixed use development features gardens and sorrounds designed by Oculus

52 The national arboretum Canberra
This arboretum, designed by Taylor Cullity Lethlean with Tonkin Zulaikha Greer Architects, is a grand dream realized

60 A singular vision
A review of three Canberra projects of Oxigen, each working with three different strands of government

66 Canberra’s Public Art
Enriching the local identity

70 Making Landscape Architecture in Australia
Andrew Saniga’s book is reviewed

72 Design Matter
Landscape product directory

74 The National Gallery of Australia Sculpture Garden
Planned and planted more than thirty years ago, this garden features sculptures by international and Australian artist

82 The Kevin Taylor Questionnaire
Landscape architect and town planner Stuart Mackenzie takes on the questionnaire

Publicado por | 3 de junio de 2013 - 09:19 | Actualizado: 3 de junio de 2013 - 09:19 | PDF

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