Landscape Architecture Australia N°139 (2013)

Connecting People and Place

6 Perspective
The balancing act of community consultation

8 Groundswell
New projects

10 Events to Note
Landscape calendar

12 Connecting people and place
Exploring the way landscape architects work with communities

16 The urban perspective
Games Night by Vibrant Places

18 The Education Perspective
The Warburton Studio

20 The International Perspective
Diepsloot Slum Upgrade by Global Studio

24 Event Tactic
Small interactions that generate urban change in the landscape

26 Process from the other Side
Providing “good Liyan”

28 An Eduacated Ecology of Wellbieng
Experimental approaches to education

32 Iconic Parks
New York’s “landscape celebrities”

34 Going Glocal
Connecting people and parks

36 Contemporary Design Dialogue
Making informed design processes

40 Vietnam Veterans Conmmemorative Wall
In Seymour, Victoria, Sinatra Murhpy as designed a moving tribute to Vietnam veterans

48 The Pallet Pavilion
Charitable trust Gap Filler constructed this temporary venue from wooden pallets

52 Bingara and the Living Classroom
This project by John Mongard
Landscape Architects engages the local bingara community

56 Everything except walk
Pllen Studio wraps trees in coloured rope to encourage active participation with locals

60 Larapinta Trail Campsites
The Red Centre´s Larapinta Trail featrures temporary camps by Neeson Murcutt Architects

66 Kibera Public Space Project
The Kounkuey Design Initiativy is turning a polluted river corridor in Kenya into a productive space

70 Design as a Process of Enablement
What are the challenges involved in connecting people to place?

74 IFLA World Congress
Coverage of the 50th world congress

77 2013 AILA State Awards
The Queensland winners

78 The Biggest Estate on Earth
How Aborigines made Australia

80 Design Matter
Landscape product directory

82 The Kevin Taylor Questionnaire
Stephen Vigilante takes on the questionnaire

Publicado por | 10 de septiembre de 2013 - 10:06 | Actualizado: 10 de septiembre de 2013 - 10:06 | PDF

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