Landscape Architecture Magazine Nº 12 2016

10 Inside

14 Land Mattters

16 Letters


20 Now

For an informal settlement in Cambodia, student designers create a new street and social space; Minot, North Dakota, prepares for its next perfect storm; sediment trapped behind dams could help restore San Francisco Bay wetlands, and more.
Edited by Timothy A. Schuler

36 Interview

Living on Air

A recent graduate, Brandon Cornejo, Student ASLA, discusses his project to cover cities
in epiphytes, which won an ASLA Student Award this year.
By Katarina Katsma, ASLA

48 Tech

Expanded Horizons
New federal rules on drone use should bring certainty to landscape architects as they learn to master the devices for various kinds of site surveillance.
By Kevan Williams

52 Goods

Quick Escape
Residential fixtures and materials for a sense of elsewhere.
By Katarina Katsma, ASLA


60 A Foodshed Moment

The more farms that remain operating in the Hudson River Valley, the more affordable it is for them all to stay in business, so a scenic land trust, with help from the state, is pushing to preserve upstate agricultural lands that hold the best fresh food supply for New York City.
By Anne Raver

76 Call and Response
Reed Hilderbrand’s redesign of the Clark Art Institute in Massachusetts has been a continuing conversation.
By Jennifer Reut

102 Playdate on D Street

Sasaki and its client conceived of the Lawn on D in South Boston as a trial project, and then it took off beyond anyone’s expectations.
By Elizabeth S. Padjen

120 Angles Entangled

Greenspace or gallery? It’s both. After 10 years, Seattle’s Olympic Sculpture Park has come of age.
By Fred A. Bernstein

The back

132 Soul to Souls

At the centenary of Lawrence Halprin’s birth, the Cultural Landscape Foundation opens an engrossing exhibition of his life’s work.
By Bradford McKee

142 Books

All That and More
A review of Is Landscape…? Essays on the Identity of Landscape, edited by Gareth Doherty and Charles Waldheim.
By Sarah Cowles

262 Advertiser Index

263 Advertisers by Product Category

272 Backstory

Thinking Ahead
SWA Group’s XL project is a think tank for landscape architecture.
By Maggie Zackowitz

Publicado por | 24 de enero de 2017 - 11:46 | Actualizado: 24 de enero de 2017 - 11:47 | PDF

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