Landscape Architecture Magazine V.102 N°11 (2012)


12 Land Matters

18 Letters


24 Now
A Virginia county manages its watershed repairs with someone else’s money; Minnesota plans to reconeect its remaining prairie lands; in the Rockies, researchers are looking at air pollution’s effects on alpine areas; and more.
Edited by Linda McIntyre

40 Species
The things people don’t know about black bears can kill both parties – but in fact, there’s very little to fear. Plus, there are many pretty blue Corydalis varieties, but a resilient gold one stands at the top of the genus.
By Constance Casey

46 Sites
Green Math
A large number of credits under the Sustainable Sites Initiative pertain to vegetation. Here’s what you should know to earn as many as possible.
By Heather L. Venhaus

58 Palette
His home is Virginia
Warren Byrd, FASLA, came to landscape architecture from horticulture. He thinks he overuses certain natives in his planting designs. But considering the menu, why not?
By Bill Marken, Honorary Asla

72 Goods
Under Foot
Five surfaces made for walking – though one is for stealing home.
By Lisa Speckhardt


78 Parklets, everywhere
A guerrilla strike by the studio Rebar to turn parking spots into curbside lounges has become legend in San Francisco. It’s also grown into an all-out campaign for new public spaces.
By John King, Honorary Asla

88 The Dead Zone Starts (or Stops) Here
In the Illinois croplands, the ecologist David Kovacic, Affiliate ASLA, is showing how to keep farm nutrients from running off into watersheds and the Gulf of Mexico. Now the scale up his ideas.
By Anne Raver

104 Roof of Plenty
Lee Weintraub, FASLA, works at sky level on a new South Bronx housing development that tackles a number of the borough’s chronic physical ailments.
By Alex Ulam

114 Heads Up!
Before we can fix the hazards of walking while texting, some perspective would help.
By Daniel Jost, ASLA

The Back

122 Rescue Me
The Cultural Landscape Foundation has relased its Landslide 2012 list of a dozen endangered landscapes. Here is a look at five of them, with hopes of stopping their losses.
By Lisa Speckhardt

132 Books
Beyond the Bagel
A review of Recycling Spaces, Curating Urban Evolution: The Work of Martha Schwartz Partners.
By Peter L. Osler, ASLA

156 Display ad Index

157 Buyer’s Guide Index

168 Forward
The Forward Challenge
Something on your mind? Burning you up?
Doing your heart good? Spell it out for us.
By The Editors

Publicado por | 5 de diciembre de 2012 - 08:16 | Actualizado: 5 de diciembre de 2012 - 08:16 | PDF

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