Landscape Architecture Magazine V.102 N°12 (2012)


12 Land Matters

18 Letters


24 Now
In a national competition, two students teams win with ways to revive national parks; the Supreme Court picks up a case that involves runoff from logging roads; a new report favors “natural” solutions for resisting disasters; Milwaukee considers stormwater permits along wathershed lines rather than town lines; and a new study looks at the benefits of white roofs versus those of green roofs in arid areas.
Edited by Linda McIntyre

30 Species
Our very own necrophiliac insect, the American burying beetle, is being perilously pushed around in its habitat. Plus: You know the plant John Tradescant the younger brought home to England from Virginia, whether you know that you know or not.
By Constance Casey

48 Goods

Please be Seated
Benches can be so boring. Not these
By Lisa Speckhardt


54 This way, Shanghai
The Gubei Pedestrian Promenade in Shanghai almost became another chunky, second-rate public space. SWA turned all that around.

The Back

68 The 100 Year Haircut
A quarter mile long allée to the ocean crated in 1913 by Arthur Shurclif in Ipswich, Massachusetts, was due for a serious trim.
By Lisa Speckhardt

74 Books
Her Forest Shaped America
A review of Erik Rutkow’s American Canopy: Trees, Forests, and the Making of a Nation.
By Henry Lawrence

268 Display ad index

269 Buyer’s Guide Index

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More than 160 pages of product information for specifiers about the latest in furnishings, planters, lighting, irrigation, green roofs, living walls, park and playground equipment, structures, technology, and much more.

Pd-155 2013 LAM Planting materials
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Publicado por | 6 de febrero de 2013 - 10:22 | Actualizado: 6 de febrero de 2013 - 10:30 | PDF

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