|Landscape Architecture Magazine V.103 N°3 – 2013


10 Land Matters

12 Letters


18 Now
A new zoo in Saint Petersburg will show the whole world in a prehistoric sort of way; there’s a plan for hundreds of thousands of memorial trees along a Civil War circuit; why Floor Associates peeled off from SmithGroupJJR, and more.

30 Species
The unwitting human hand in making the coyote a survival machine; plus, the eccentric habits of the peanut.
By Constance Casey

36 Interview
Double Digging
How Xiaxuan Lu, Associate ASLA, came upon a solution to three very different problems in the battered of Laos.
By Lydia Lee

40 Streets
Curbless Appeal
Given the obstacles designers face in proposing flat edged streets for cities, you d’think it was a totally new idea.
By Lisa Owens Viani

50 Workstation
Sketches with Texture
Montage renderings that mix photos and hand sketching are easier to make than they may seem.
By Wei Chen, Associate Asla

56 Palette
Tropic of Jungles
In his lush, wild planting designs, Raymond Jungles works the way his hero, Roberto Burle Marx, did: theatrically.
By Bill Marken, Honorary ASLA

68 Goods
Grown on
An evergreen, a maple, and flowers, oh my!
By Lisa Speckhardt


74 The art of taking apart
The Club Med on Cap de Creus in Catalonia was quite the place to be, until the government had a better idea for the fragile shorefront and called in a new design by Martí Franch of EMF.
By Jennifer E Cooper

86 Scary enough
If Barbara Swift, ASLA, can help it, the visitor center at Grand Teton National Park won’t feel like home.

96 Three laughs
A japonese legend about religious dogma, told and depicted many times, reincarnates at Cornell University in a tiny garden of moss.
By Scott Whitham

The Back

106 Landscapes over time: the maintenance imperative
It would be great if landscape architects could stay engaged with their projects long after they’re first finished. But they can´t, and every design should be conceived with that reality in mind.
By Michael Van Valkenburgh, Fasla and William S. Saunders

116 Books
The Landscape Foundations of Modern Architecture
A review of The Modern Architectural Landscape by Caroline Constant.
By Elizabeth K. Meyer, Fasla

144 Display and Index

145 Buyer’s guide index

156 Backstory
Trees Immemorial
What Peter Crane is really trying to say in his new book. Ginkgo.
By Bradford McKee

Publicado por | 9 de abril de 2013 - 11:41 | Actualizado: 9 de abril de 2013 - 11:50 | PDF

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