Landscape Architecture Magazine V.103 N°6 (2013)


18 Land Matters

22 Letters


30 Now
The millions of trees dead in the Texas drought, and plans to save them; scenery is also wildfire fuel to the Forest Service; a curb in Florida on designers’personal liability; a new vision of London’s Vauxhall section, and more.

42 Species
Canada geese weren’t always permanent U.S. residets; for that, there are humans to blame. Plus, spicebush in an attractive shrub, not least to a certain stealth cartepillar
By Constance Casey

50 Interview

Open Water
Archie Lee Coates IV talks about his design team´s plan for Plus Pool, a big public pool in the East River in New York
By Linda McIntyre

54 Parks

Thinking on Wheels
Having designed a couple of hundred skateparks, Mike McIntyre, ASLA, would rather design parks you can skate in
By Marty Carlock

62 Goods

Splish, Splash
Just add water – like this
By Lisa Speckhardt


72 Fluid, Dynamic
In Amsterdam, Elger Blitz and Mark van der Eng of Carve make playgrounds mainly to make the neighborhood more fun

86 Life on the wedge
People come from all over to the Norrebro section of Copenhagen. Withing the wild colors of the new Superkilen park, Topotek 1, BIG, and Superflex give them things by which to read each other better
By Jessica Bridger

100 Kids with saws!
Danger is no obstacle. At Berkeley’s Adventure Playground, nails are currency, but you may destroy as you see fit.
By Danierl Jost, ASLA

The Back

118 Bocce, Huh?
You might not have thought a game played by old Italian men could be so fun and so back
By Dave McKenna

126 Books

Community over Individuals
A review of Plantign: A New Perspective, by Piet Oudolf and Noel Kingsbury
By Malinda Hatch

152 Display ad Index

153 Buyer’s Guide Index

164 Backstory

One Hundred and Change
Thomas E. Luebke’s history of the U.S. Commission of Fine Arts
By Bradfor McKee

Publicado por | 8 de agosto de 2013 - 10:29 | Actualizado: 8 de agosto de 2013 - 10:29 | PDF

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