Landscape Architecture Magazine V.103 N°9 (2013)


16 Land Matters

20 Letters


26 Now
Tighter controls are coming for tranding in certain tropical hardwoos; Esri gets a no on a proposed GIS standar; bike lanes and double bureaucracy in Chicago; what you see may depend on where you’re from, and more
Edited by Adam Regn Arvidson, Fasla

42 Species
The red-hot poker´s genus is named after Johann Hieronymus Kniphof, which shows the arbitrary way these things sometimes work; also the self sufficiency of female aphids.
By Constance Casey

48 Trails
On the Right Path
Over even the doubts of its creator´s Indianapolis draws its arts, sports, and entertainment together downtown along a new walking and bike trail loop
By Adam Regn Arvidson, Fasla

60 Goods
Under Cover
Pull up shade with trim, lightweight canopies
By Lisa Speckhardt


70 Everybody’s territory
Birmingham´s new Railroad Park, designed by Tom Leader Studio, has become a meeting place in a city that is growing beyond its sorely divided past
By Beth Dunlop

84 Here come the plant hackers
In case anyone really dreamed of having a glowing tree, the biotech industry is trying to make it happen. It´s just one startling new front in the push for genetically modified ornamental plants for landscape use
By Kevan Williams

90 Life beyond death
The fetid Gowanus Anal holds a toxic magnetism for people in Brookyn but so far resist most of their love and projections of glory. That could be changing, though.
By Michael Cannell

The Back

102 James Turrell at 70: Ideas for our time
A Los Angeles retrospective, one of three in a Turrell jubilee this year, is a generous invitation to see.
By Lisa Gimmy, Asla

112 Books
English Ways
A review of Almost Home: The Public Landscapes of Gertrude Jakyll by Kristine F. Miller.
Reviewed by Judith B. Tankard

140 Display ad Index

141 Buyer’s Guide Index

152 Backstory
Out of nowhere
Mariana Grinswold Van Renssalaer, architecture critic and anti-suffragist
By Alexandra Lange

Publicado por | 25 de octubre de 2013 - 06:45 | Actualizado: 25 de octubre de 2013 - 06:45 | PDF

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