Log n° 36 (2015)


27 Do Humans Dream of Robotic Seals?
138 Along the Frontier of Resolution

63 The Robot of Kunsthal I
34 Bug Eyes and Blokhead
48 Movin Parts: A Conversation with Elizabeth Diller
17 Death and Robots

68 Meat Helmet
87 Transforming Geometries

12 Giant Robots
99 Toward a Postarchitecture
146 Free Robots!
75 MMYST vs concrete[i]land

135 Home Tweet Home
60 The Sound and the Future
106 Après Mies Le Déluge

111 The Turk
152 Sketches by Paul -1
115 Cartogramic Metamophologies; or, Enter te RoweBot
125 An Atlas of Fiducial Landscapes: Touring the Architectures of Machine Vision

Publicado por | 29 de abril de 2016 - 11:07 | Actualizado: 29 de abril de 2016 - 11:07 | PDF

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