Log n° 37 (2016)

49 An Agenda for the Everyday
Maurice Cox
22 The Architectural Imagination
Cynthia Davidson
32 Detroit and the Acceleration of History
Robert ¨Fishman
65 Figments of the Architectural Imagination
Todd Gannon
205 Architecture’s Appearance and the Practices of Imagination
K.Michael Hays
214 Oh My Aching Antenna: The Fall and Rise of Postmodern Creativity

228 Funny, Crazy, Silly: Lyrics for the Suspension of Architectural Disbelief
John McMorrough

Four Detroit Sites

70 Mexicantown / Southwest Detroit
102 US Post Office
136 Dequindre Cut / Eastern Market
170 Packard Plant

Twelve Speculative Projects for Detroit

82 Promised Land Air
A(n) Office
126 The Next Port to Call
Bair Balliet
194 Center for Fulfillment, Knowledge, and Innovation
Greg Lynn FORM
90 Mexicantown: A Liminal Blur
Mack Scogin
138 Dequindre Civic Academy
Marshal Brown Projects
148 A Situation Made from Loose and Overlapping Social and Architectural Agregates
72 The New Zocalo
Pita & Bloom
116 New Corktown
Present Future
104 Revolving Detroit
Preston Scott Cohen Inc.
172 Detroit Rock City: An Urban Geology
SAA/Stan Allen Architectural
184 Detroit Reassembly Plant
160 A New Federal Projects
Zago Architecture’s

Publicado por | 1 de julio de 2016 - 11:02 | Actualizado: 1 de julio de 2016 - 11:02 | PDF

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