Log Nº 38 (2016)


8 On the record with Harry Cobb
Cynthia Davison

61 Reflections on Brexit

62 Recessional
Shumi Bose

64 Brexit Thoughts, From Abroad
Mario Carpo

65 The Brexit and Other Frontiers
Odile Decq

67 London after Brexit
Patrick Schumacher

68 It All Starts at Home
Jack Self

69 That Wich We Are, We Are
James Taylor-Foster

83 La Strategia della Maschera: OMA In Venice
Lea-Catherine Szacka

87 Reporting from Architecture
Marco De Michelis

95 On Sufficient Density

105 Familiar Horror: Toward a Critique of Domestic Space
Pier Vittorio Aureli & María Shéhérazade Guidici

131 This Work Is Going Somewhere: Pedagogy and Politics at Yale in the Late 1960s
Eve Blau

151 The Stubbornness of Yona Friedman

157 Cold Case
Brendan Bashin-Sullivan

Publicado por | 8 de noviembre de 2016 - 15:01 | Actualizado: 8 de noviembre de 2016 - 15:01 | PDF

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