Lotus International n°158 (2015)

People in motion

4 Mappe

4 Alighiero Boetti
Mappe / Maps

13 Nina Bassoli
Alighiero Boetti. Mappe e immaginario / Maps and Imagery

16 Shelter

18 Selgascano, Ignacio Peydro und UNmaterial Studio MIT
Konokono Vaccination and Educational Center, Kokuselei, Turkana, Kenya, 2014

22 Olivier Ottevaere, John Lin. The University of Hong Kong
The Pinch, The Sweep, The Warp, 2012-15 Shuanghe Village, Yunnan Province, China

26 TYIN tegnestue Architects
Cassia Coop Training Center, Sungai Penuh, Sumatra, Indonesia, 2011

30 Toshiko Mori Architects
THREAD, New Artist Residency and Cultural Center, Sinthian Village, Senegal, 2015

34 Shigeru Ban Architects
Nepal Project, Nepal, 2015

36 CatalyticAction
Playground for Syrian Refugee Childrens, Bar Elias, Lebanon, 2015

38 Building Trust International
Sustainable Housing, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 2013-14. Moving School, Mae Sot, Thailand, 2013

44 a.gor.a architects
Temporary Dormitories for CDC School, Mae Sot, Tak, Thailand, 2012
Kwel Ka Baung Migrant Learning Center, Mae Sot, Tak, Thailand, 2014

48 ARCò, Mario Cucinella Architects
Centro per l’infanzia Terra dei bambini, Um al Nasser, Gaza Palestine, 2011

50 Refugee

52 Manuel Herz
I campi per rifugiati del Sahara Occidentale. The refugee Camps of the Western Sahara

62 La transizione da campo a città / From Camp to City

64 Nuove abitazioni / New Housing

68 Tipologie per il comercio / Typologies for Commerce

70 Jan Rothuizen, Martijn van Tol, Dirk-Jan Visser, Aart Jan van der Linden
Un racconto visivo / A Visual Account
Refugee Republic, Domiz, Iraq, 2014

76 Mapping Domiz, Iraq

78 Mapping Zaatari, Jordan

80 Flows

84 In rotta per l’Europa / The Route to Europe

88 Ugo Fabietti
Nel traffic delle culture / In the Traffic of Cultures

100 Ground

102 Joseph Rykwert
Imparare dalla strada / Learning from the Stereet

116 Brasilia / Mykonos

118 Asphalt / Kolam

120 England / Lens

122 Stratum / Depression

124 Gaia Piccarolo
Tracce a terra / Traces on the Ground

Publicado por | 16 de diciembre de 2015 - 10:42 | Actualizado: 16 de diciembre de 2015 - 10:42 | PDF

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