Lotus International n°159 (2015)

New York Highligts

4 Memorial

4 Giovanni Chiaramonte
National September 11 Memorial

20 Ground Zero

24 Gaia Piccarolo
La ricontruzione di Ground Zero. The Rebuild of Ground Zero.

30 Handel Architects + Peter Walker and Parners
National September 11 Memorial. New York, New York, 2003-11

32 Along the High Line

32 Michele Nastasi
High Line, New York

42 Maite García Sanchis
Sulla High Line. On the High Line

46 Whitney Museum

46 Renzo Piano Building Workshop
Whitney Museum of American Art
New York, New York, 2007-15

55 Anthony Vidler
Arte alla fine del percorso. Art at the End of the Line

58 Graffiti. 1974

64 Nina Bassoli
New York Graffiti

72 Skyline

74 Michele Nastasi
Skyline Rêverie

88 A Greater New York

90 ShoP
East River Waterfront Esplanade and Pier 15
New York, New York, 2011

94 Field Operations, Morphosis Weiss/Manfredi, Handel Architects, SOM
Cornell Tech Campus
Roosvelt Island, New York, 2012

98 Thomas Balsley Associates, Weiss/Mandredi
Hunter’s Point South Waterfront Park
Hunter’s Point, Quens, New York, 2013

102 Weiss/Manfredi
Brooklyn Botanic Garden Visitor Center
Brooklyn New York, 2004-12

106 nArchitecture
Periscope House
Brooklyn, New York, 2007-10
Harper Street Yard
Queens, New York, 2015
Ellicott Park, Niagara Medical Campus
Buffalo, NY, 2006-14

118 Field Operations
Muscota Mash, Columba University
Inwood, New York, 2014

122 West 8
Governors Island Park and Public Space
New York 2007

Publicado por | 11 de mayo de 2016 - 13:40 | Actualizado: 11 de mayo de 2016 - 13:40 | PDF

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