Perspecta Nº 49 (2016)


5 Aeva-Lissa Pelkonen
When Modern Architecture went viral

17 Amanda Reeser Lawrence
The V.C. Morris Shop and Self-Reflexivity in the work of Frank Lloyd Wright

29 Ana Miljački
Project-Rorschach: On Architectural Memes and Self-Analysis

37 Sylvia Lavin
Double or Nothing: Architecture Not in Evidence

53 Sergio Muñoz Sarmiento
Primari Structure: Law, Power, Architecture

67 Interview with Richard Rogers

77 Mari Lending
Reciting the Tomb of Tutankhamen

89 Adam Love
The Theban Necropolis
Preservation Iniciative

97 Formlessfinder
Precedent Pile

105 Steven Lauritano
A Remnant Vivarium

127 Wikihouse New Haven
Project Portfolio

133 Ines Weizman
The Exception to the Norm:
Buildings and Skeletons in the Archive of Ernest Neufert

147 Demetri Porphyrios
Art and Architecture as Palimpsest

153 Panayotis Tournikiotis
Quoting the Parthenon: History and the Building of Ideas

167 Interview with Jacques Herzog

175 George Hersey
Replication Replicated, or notes on American Bastardy
201 Xiahong Hua
Quotation and the Construction of Chinese Architectural Identity

213 Erin Besler and Ian Besler
Like So

219 Xenia Vytuleva
From Copy-to Trope: Secrecy, Quotation, and Urbanism in Soviet ZATOs

233 Fake Industries Architectural Agonism, MAIO, and Córdova Canillas
On Rooms: No Vacancy

257 Elia Zenghelis
Perpetually Quoting – The Arhitectural Project: Abstraction, Essence, and Metaphor

261 Thomas Weaver
Loose Sally

268 Contributors

270 Image Credits

Publicado por | 27 de septiembre de 2016 - 11:11 | Actualizado: 27 de septiembre de 2016 - 11:11 | PDF

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