Print 67.1 (2013)

Up front

13 Grids+Guides
Ten years of Anarchy covers,Corita Kent gets a retrospective, and Kate Bingaman-Burt never skips a daily drawing

In back

77 Back Issue
Martin Fox remembers Antonio, who reinvented fashion illustration

81 Reviews

David Barringer on Ken Garland: Structure and Substance, Teal Triggs on the M/M (Paris) monograph, and Debbie Millman on coffee mugs by Milton Glaser

86 In the Studio

Oliver Munday’s foosball heaven

88 The last word

A new illustrated colum by Seymour Chwast


18 Interaction
In his first column for Print, Paul Ford for a new language of data visualization

20 Dialogue
Steven Heller interviews the illustrator, artist and entrepreneur Gary Taxali

22 Stereotype
Paul Shaw on pictorial type, and Stephen Coles on icon web fonts

27 Best practices
Can prototyping help save the world?

28 Observer
Rick Poynor on the perils of ultra-simplified illustration

Publicado por | 22 de febrero de 2013 - 08:39 | Actualizado: 22 de febrero de 2013 - 08:39 | PDF

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