Print V 67 N°3 (2013)

Up front

9 Grid+Guides
Darren Song sews his art, David Bowie gets the type treatment, we got behind the scenes of this issue’s split fountain cover, and Buzz Poole talks with illustrator Norma Bar about color’s role in his work

In Back

70 Back Issue
Martin Fox reflectes on Print’s 1969 black and white issue

72 Reviews
Debbie Millman on the Indianapolis Museum of Contemporary Art’s “Color Me_.” Exhibit, Claire Lui on “The Last Interview” book series from Melville House, Douglas Wolk on The Strokes’ Comedown Machine album cover and Rachel Swaby on the new “Letterpress” app

80 The Last Word
Seymour Chwast signs off with Pancho Villa


16 Iteraction
Paul Ford imagines a world of digital imagery where we rely less on generic filters and more on the power of the color wheel

18 Dialogue
Steven Heller talks with color consultant Laura Guido Clark

22 Stereotype
Paul Shaw and Stephen Coles explore the history and modern day usage of color withing layered typography

28 Observer
Rick Poynor makes a case for reversing the trend of showing more pictures and less text in books written for designers

Publicado por | 31 de mayo de 2013 - 10:33 | Actualizado: 31 de mayo de 2013 - 10:33 | PDF

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