Print V 67 N°4 (2013)

Up front

9 Grids + Guides
Obscure record albums get press, “Star Wars” film sets discovered, David Levinthal plays with war, posters from London´s Underground, and shelter animals stamp out homelessness

12 Inteview
Photographer Lori Nix depicts images of death and destruction in her elaborate photo shoots, often with a touch of humor mixed in

14 Evolution
Before the Polaroid, photobooths both captured and captivated the masses Learn the history of this revolutionary device

In Back

80 Back Issue
Martin Fox takes a look back at Print´s August 1979 issue, which was art directed by guest Alfred Eisentaedt, “the father of photojournalism”

82 Reviews
Debbie Millman on “Hello Mr.” a new magazine for men who date men; Douglas Wolk on Nick Cave´s “Push the Sky Away” album cover; Claire Lui on the cover of “Bits of Autobiography”, a new book from imprint Whisky Priest; and Rachel Swaby on Sooner, an app that manages dedlines, to-do lists, appointments and meetings

88 The last word
Seymour Chwast signs off with King Louis XIV

Publicado por | 9 de agosto de 2013 - 10:06 | Actualizado: 9 de agosto de 2013 - 10:06 | PDF

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