Print V 67 N°5 (2013)

Up front

9 Grids+Grides
Wine barrels become art; designers give advice, an exhibition walks you through a story; and tattoo artist with graffiti style inspire a book. Plus: an update on an Iranian culture magazine.

12 Interview
Storytelling guru Stanley Hainsworth shares his secrets for creating brand narratives that people connect with.

14 Evolution
Today`s stock photos have their roots in 16th century engravings and 19th century “cuts” that were popularized by printers

Table of contents

36 Graphic content
Every designer has a good story to tell.
So we culled 8 intriguing tales from a new book full of essays by graphic design`s most celebrated creatives.
Edited by Brian Singer

44 Cover stories
Of course, we`re all judging books by their covers. But how do cover designers tell a story that makes us want to read the one inside? Learn more about the ins and outs of book cover design and get the scoop on 7 brand new covers
By Michelle Taute

54 Behind the brand
How do you find a brand`s genuine backstory? Kit Hinrichs and Alina Wheeler share their advice and present case studies of successful branding projects.
By Melissa Mazzoleni

62 Inside story
Playful designers pull audiences into the narrative. Read about 3 creatives who have turned interactive storytelling into a contact sport.
By Karli Petrovic

70 The art of Lying
The word propaganda is nearly synonymous with lying. Here, we examine 5 works that are steeped in subversive storytelling.
By Steven Heller

76 Reflections on a Puddle
A visual essay by Debbie Millman, one of the industry`s most notable storytellers
By Debbie Millman

In Back

83 Reviews
Debbie Milman on Chip Kidd`s new book aimed to teach children about graphic design; Rachel Swaby on a new interactive game that elicits both a competitive and emotional response; Claire Lui on “Eat, Pray, Love” author Elizabeth Gilbert`s latest book cover; and Douglas Wolk with the story behind Eleanor Friedberger`s “Personal Record” album

88 The Last Word
Seymour Chwast signs off with Oscar Wilde

Publicado por | 9 de octubre de 2013 - 10:52 | Actualizado: 9 de octubre de 2013 - 10:52 | PDF

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