The Architectural Review N° 1387 (2012)

13 Editorial view

14 Overview
Aalto conference; Qatari streetlights scandal

17 Design review. London’s design fiesta

21 View from…
Peter Cook

25 Your views

28 China Special Issue

32 Chost Towns

36 Cultural Values

37 The Green Delusion

38 Profile: MAD

48 Urbanus
Maillen Hotel and Apartments, Shenzhen, China

56 Profile: Atelier Fronti

66 WSP
Alipay Office Towers, Zhejiang Province, China

74 Miao Design Studio
Sichang Park Restaurant, Jiangsu Province, China

80 Modernising History

83 Campaign: The Big Rethink
Lessons from the living on architecture and relationships

94 Reviews
The Old Ways; Aalto and America; The Gothic Revival international conference, Kent; The Architectural Model, Frankfurt; Creative Multiversities, Paris

100 Pedagogy
Xi’an Jiaotong Liverpool University, China

102 Reputatioms
IM Pei

106 Folio
Vexillology at Parliament Square in London

Publicado por | 9 de octubre de 2012 - 08:55 | Actualizado: 9 de octubre de 2012 - 08:55 | PDF

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