The Architectural Review N° 1411 (2014)

architectural review 1411

17 Editorial view

19 Overview
UIA in Durban; slum porn: the fetishisation of poverty; Richard MacCormac remembered; Helsinki Guggenheim

30 Broader view
Doing disability differently

33 View from
New Harmony, Indiana USA

35 Viewpoints
William JR Curtis

36 Your views

38 RCR Architects
Musée Soulages, Rodez, France

54 Duggan Morris Architects
School swimming pool, Beaconsfield, England

66 Luis Laplace
Gallery, Bruton, Somerset, England

76 Vialet Ballus
Cement silos, Paris, France

87 Retrospective
Anthony Vidler muses on the recent Bernard Tschumi retrospective at the Pompidou Centre in Paris

96 Monograph
Charles Jencks considers a new monograph on the late work of James Stirling and Michael Wilford

104 Reviews
Kahn and Hollein; the new urban question; disobedient objects; Romania’s unluckiest architect; Mr Mac and Me; building the modern Catholic church

112 Archive
Ernö Goldfinger’s Abbatt House, High Wycombe, England

114 Reputations
Richard Rogers

118 Folio
Jacopo Nori

Publicado por | 1 de octubre de 2014 - 12:48 | Actualizado: 1 de octubre de 2014 - 12:48 | PDF

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