The Architectural Review N° 1412 (2014)

19 Editorial view

20 Overview
The Wolfson Prize; the Garden City model across the globe; the problems with the Carbuncle Cup; Berlin´s Museumsinsel controversy; debunking the myth of sustainable bamboo

34 Broader view
The ‘sharing economy’

37 View form
Novellara, Italy

39 Viewpoints
Ellis Woodman

40 Your views

42 Atelier Deshaus
Long Art Museum, Shanghai, China

56 Lederer Ragnarsdóttir Oei
Hospitalhof, Stuttgart, Germany

70 Peter Hübner
School, Moers, Germany

84 Lütjens Padmannabhan Architekten
Apartment block, Basel, Switzerland

95 Essay
Charlotte Skene Catling on slum porn

102 Troubles in Theory VI
Anthony Vidler on heterotopias

108 Reviews
Jules Verne; Ludwing Hilberseimer; substraction; the economics of architecture

114 Design
London Design Festival

116 Archive
Lubetkin in Russia

118 Reputations
Buckminster Fuller

120 Practice profile

126 Folio
Daniel Lauand

Publicado por | 30 de octubre de 2014 - 12:17 | Actualizado: 30 de octubre de 2014 - 12:17 | PDF

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