The Architectural Review N° 1418 (2015)


19 Editorial view

20 Overview
Patrik Schumacher and contemporary art funding; women in architecture; ISIS vandalism is no betrayal of universal values; Michael Graves remembered by Charles Jencks.

28 Broader view
Architecture and freedom

31 View from
Porto, Portugal

33 Viewpoints
Ellis Woodman

34 Humanplan
A pocket manifesto

52 Kengo Kuma & Associates
Museum, Hangzhou, China

60 Skene Catling de la Peña
The Flint House, Buckinghamshire, England

72 Barozzi Veiga
Filharmonia, Szczecin, Poland

88 Ole Scheeren / OMA
The Interlace housing, Singapore

97 Essay
Ecological Urbanism

106 Reviews
Henri Lefebre and postwar leisure developments; Treatise: Why Write Alone?; garden suburbs reconsidered; Cornelia Parker at the Whitworth; Legoland ‘decanted’

112 Technology
Personalising climate control

114 History
The legacy of Great Zimbabwe

118 Reputations
Shigeru Ban

120 Folio
There goes the Bridge

Publicado por | 20 de mayo de 2015 - 11:58 | Actualizado: 20 de mayo de 2015 - 11:58 | PDF

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