The Architectural Review N° 1419 (2015)


3 Editorial view

18 Overview
Relocating the British capital; Olympic protests in Rio; Pat Brown on the changing workplace; water, everywhere.

26 World view
Israeli election

28 Broader view
Architecture and marketing

31 View from
Thimphu, Bhutan

33 Viewpoints
Gordon Shrigley

34 Your views

36 Building capital
Reinier de Graaf

46 Renato Rizzi
Theatre, Gdansk, Poland

62 Thomas Heatherwick
Student Centre, Singapore

72 David Best & Artichoke
Temple, Derry, Northern Ireland

88 Luciano Pia
Housing, Turing, Italy

99 History
Barbara Penner on the London Playboy Club

106 Reviews
Jean Prouvé monograph; VKhUTEMAS, the ‘Russian Bauhaus’; Robert Moses; normalizing Mackintosh

112 Reputations
Frei Otto

114 Folio
Aleister Crowley’s Tower

Publicado por | 20 de mayo de 2015 - 12:14 | Actualizado: 20 de mayo de 2015 - 12:14 | PDF

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