The Architectural Review N° 1430 (2016)


4 God’s House.
A holy place should not be a temple to the architect; architecture itself si not divine.
Ayla Lepine

13 Keep the faith.
Islamic geometric principles link the modern Jumaa Mosque to its heritage.

27 Let there be light
The lattice structure transforms this humble temple into an inviting social arena.
A. Srivathsan

34 Holy Coast.
Hugging the shore, this tiny chapel in Nandaihe embraces the numinous in exquisite fashion.
Austin Williams

40 Maxim Calujac.
Chisinau, Moldova

50 Worshipful mastery.
The restoration of a 200-year-old silo and addition of a modest chapel make a fitting addition the rural Chilean context.
Alejandra Celedón

60 Religious service.
In an age of extremism, the Al-Islah mosque strives to promote a welcoming openness.
Jane A. Peterson

72 Monument alley
Memorial 27F could represent a turning point in post-earthquake Conception.
Selim Halulu

84 Reconstructing faith.
In the wake of the Second World War, radical new places for repentance, forgiveness and renewal emerged in West Germany.
Kathlee James-Chakraborty

94 Typololgy Multifaith
Religious belif systems remain powerful and distinct but, alongside the differences, comes a call for greater tolerance and cohesion. Can the worship of different gods take place under one roof?
Tom Wilkinson

Publicado por | 2 de junio de 2016 - 15:10 | Actualizado: 2 de junio de 2016 - 15:10 | PDF

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