The Architectural Review N° 1433 (2016)


6 In the frame
In an unassuming Osaka suburb, ‘Cosmic’ is all ambitious architectural landscape.
Kaz Yoneda

15 Art and craft
A House for Essex stands as a monument to an imagination run wild.
Gillian Darley

20 Heat and Dust
Casa Caldera in Arizona defers to the land and the light.
Laura Raskin

26 Standing on ceremony
Drawing on traditional teahouse entry paths, the progression to On the Water a sense of ritual.
Don O’Keffe

53 For the greather good?
Funded by luxury housing on once public land, the redevelopment of London’s Commonwealth Institute reveals a twisted perception of public benefit.
Rob Wilson

65 Upend the Pyramid
An inverted ziggurat joins Pezo von Ellrichshausen’s family of domestic projects.
Felipe De Perrari

72 Parallel lives
What happens when entirely different lives and economies coexist on the same street.
Owen Hatherley

79 Outrage
The destruction of social housing in Britain has been legitimised by the magical thinking of conservative urbanism’s useful idiots
Tom Wilkinson

83 Frozen music.
Musical notation by the avant-garde composer inspired the Erick Satie house in Beijing.
Austin Williams

90 Reinventing retirement
Aarschot shows how our greying population can redefine how we build our cities.
Ellis Woodman

100 Typology housing estate
From the green quadrangles of medieval almshouses to towering banlieues, the history of mass housing represents architecture at its most high-minded – which makes its failures all the more painful.
Tom Wilkinson

116 Light fantastic
With its abundance of natural light, Carré Lumière instil in its residents a feeling of space and freedom.
Manon Mollard

127 Student Communion
The new Campus Hall adopts a pinwheel plan nudging the student towards its core.
Jon Astbury

136 Safe as houses
Alison Brooks Architects’ low-rise airy housing reanimates London’s South Kilburn Estate.
Andrew Ayers

146 Square Dance
Spacious workers’ housing in the barren Rajasthan landscape explores the play of light from strategically placed openings.
A. Srivathsan

Publicado por | 31 de agosto de 2016 - 14:44 | Actualizado: 31 de agosto de 2016 - 14:44 | PDF

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