The Architectural Review N°1388 – The Educacion Issue (2012)

11 Editorial view

12 Overview
Venice Biennale; AA vs Harvard, Documenta 13

18 Preview
World Architecture Festival 2012

29 View from…
Phnom Pehn, Cambodia

30 Your views

33 Global Architecture Graduate Awards
Winners of the AR’s new student competition

60 Henning Larsen Architects and White Arkitekter
Art Campus, Umea, Sweden

70 Architectural Association expansion
Wright & Wright Architects

78 Radical pedagogies
Beatriz Colomina, Esther Choi, Ignacio Gonzalez Galan and Anna-María Meister

82 Problems in British Schools
Kevin Rhowbotham

84 Lessons from Prince Charles
Alan Powers

88 Alternative Routes for Architecture
Will Hunter

91 Campaign: The Big Rethink
Architectural education: a more fully human paradigm

102 Reviews
Venice Special: the Biennale; Alvaro Siza; Common Ground reader; Jan Gehl; Aldo Rossi’s theatres

108 Pedagogy
Bauhaus, Dessau, Germany

110 Reputations
Alvin Boyarsky

130 Folio
Bankinter headquarters, Madrid by Rafael Moneo

Publicado por | 14 de noviembre de 2012 - 10:45 | Actualizado: 14 de noviembre de 2012 - 10:45 | PDF

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