The Architectural Review N°1395 (2013)

13 Editorial view

14 Overview
Eileen Gray’s E.1027 in jeopardy; Clorindo Testa remembered; Zanzibar; GAGA Awards, AR House

18 Review
Nigel Coates’pick of the Milan Furniture Fair

29 View from…

31 Viewpoints
William JR Curtis

32 Your views

34 Special issue: Architecture & Representation
Introduction by Will Hunter

36 The evolving role of drawing
Nicholas Olsberg

44 Computers in theory and practice
Tim Abrahams

52 Computing: Marcelo Spina and Hernan Diaz Alonso
Interviewed by Eric Owen Moss

62 Drawing: Smout Allen
Interviewed by Peter Cook and Will Hunter

72 Modelling: Sou Fujimoto
Interviewd by Hans Ulrich Obrist and Julia Peyton-Jones

76 Montage: Barozzi Veiga
Interviewed by David Cohn

80 Peter Eisenman
Interviewed by Iman Ansari

91 Essay
Charles Jencks on architecture and music

110 Reviews
Massimo Scolari; Eileen Gray; The Independent Group; Saharan refugee camps; energy and architecture at Maxxi

116 Pedagogy
Politecnico di Milano, Italy

118 Reputations
Walter Gropius

122 Folio
Antoine Vaudoyer

Publicado por | 9 de agosto de 2013 - 09:14 | Actualizado: 9 de agosto de 2013 - 09:15 | PDF

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