Volume 41 (2014)


2 Editorial
Arjen Oosterman

4 Nation Versus State
Ole Bouman

6 Critical Globalism
Rem Koolhaas interview

10 With a Little Help from AMO
Stephan Petermann interview

14 National Pavilions Map

16 Representing the Nation Curators on their pavilions

18 A State of Exception
Wouter Vanstiphout interview

22 The Biennale as Agent Provocateur for Democracy
Léa-Catherine Szacka an Luca Guido

28 Continuity’s Construction
Daniele Belleri

32 Architects Take Command: The LCC Architects’ Department
Ruth Lang

40 Framing Agency
Nick Axel

46 The Giardini: A Relational Choreography
Ryan King

52 A Very Small Empire
Dan Handel

51 Elastic Compensation
Justin Fowler

62 8 Statements on the US Pavilion: A Crypto-Materialist Treatise

68 Modernization and Its Discontents
Thomas Daniell

73 Open Society
Ducht pavilion insert

106 Sales Oddity: Or How Mediaset Challenged Europe
Andrés Jaque

112 A Reporting Pavilion
Mariana Pestana

118 The Tyrolean House: Invented Tradition or Simulacrum
Bart Lootsma

126 Something from Nothing
Azadeh Mashayekhi and Brendan Cormier

Positioning Hong Kong and Macau
Thomas Daniell

134 Africa´s Burden
Rob Dettingmeijer

140 When Pixels Become Nations
Ethel Baraona Pohl and César Reyes / dpr-barcelona

144 Colophon

Publicado por | 4 de noviembre de 2014 - 08:20 | Actualizado: 4 de noviembre de 2014 - 08:20 | PDF

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