Volume 42 (2014)

Art & Science of Real State

2 Editorial
Arjen Oosterman

12 The Art & Science of Real Estate Development
Jesse M. Keenan

20 Property in Common: Co-disciplinary Nexus between Architecture and Real Property
Catherine Ingraham

28 A Value Add Propositions
Vishaan Chakrabati interview

42 Mobility and the City: Dismantling Automobility for a New Development Paradigm
David A. King

48 Want to Save a Public Housing? Integrate it into the Neighborhood, Starting with Retail
Julia Vitullo-Martin

54 Building the Digital City
James Sanders

68 The Implications of a Networked Urban Landscape for Architectural Programming
Andrew Laing

76 The Discipline and the Profession
Jesse M. Keenan interview

81 Structuralism insert

113 Cedric Price insert

146 Colophon, corrections & additions

Publicado por | 27 de enero de 2015 - 08:57 | Actualizado: 27 de enero de 2015 - 08:57 | PDF

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