Volume 48 (2016)

The re search turn
2 Editorial.
Nick Axel

4 Index of notions

6 Image essay

20 You only walk this way once
Anthony Acciavatti & Vere van Gool

24 Upgrading the architecture
Dag Boutsen

28 Participatory validation
Lex ter Braak

32 Excavating the forgotten
Beatriz Colomina

36 Ulterior motives
Reinier de Graaf

40 Molding the future
DUS Architects

43 Pursuing truth
Tim Inglold & Judith Winter

50 Rearticulating the problem
Adrian Lahoud

54 Worlds withing worlds
Chus Martínez & Sofia Lemos

57 Insert Blue
Malkit Shoshan

105 Seeing architecture
John Palmesino

108 For and aginst service
Stephan Patermann

112 The archeology of research
Sara Rifky & May al Ibrashy

116 To encounter the contemporary
Irit Rogoff & Fünsun Türetken

120 Make a friend not art

122 Exploring the frontier
Rural Urban Framework & Land+Civilization Compositions

126 Think through tank
Superdudaca & Francisco Díaz

131 After Bologna
Henk Slager

136 Recomposing the planet
Terrotirial Agency

141 Platafform policy

144 Provoked into being
Eyal Weizman

146 In the mood for brick
Jan Peter Wingender

152 Colophon

Publicado por | 4 de agosto de 2016 - 16:23 | Actualizado: 4 de agosto de 2016 - 16:23 | PDF

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