Volume 49 (2016)

2 Editorial.

4 The Rational City
M. Christine Boyer

7 Out of the Loop
Doug Spencer

11 Ou Automation in The Stack
Benjamin H. Bratton

15 Architecture After The Event Horizon
Kazys Varnelis

17 Demo Life
Orit Halpern

22 Hausbaumaschine
Nader Vossoughian

27 The Ultimate Industrial Revolution
W J McKee

33 Welcome to FutureLand
Victor M.Sanz

39 Animated Aberrations, Rebellious Objects
Shannon Mattern

44 Robots on Screen

49 In Loving Support

81 The Smart City of Gaza
Francesco Sebregondi

85 We, Robots
Kas Oosterhuis

89 Social Physics and Democratic Suprematism
Philippe Morel

92 The Promethean Gift Economy
Troy Conrad Therrien

98 Machine Learning from Las Vegas
Pierre Cutellic

102 Machinic Apprenticeship
Sara Dean and Ettienne Turpin

108 Domestic Machines
Nicholas Korody

111 Drive
Carla Leitâo and Ed Keller

117 Here and Anywhere in the World
Valle Medina and Benjamin Reynolds

121 Where the City Can’t See
Tin Maughan and Liam Young

128 Colophon

Publicado por | 27 de octubre de 2016 - 17:28 | Actualizado: 27 de octubre de 2016 - 17:28 | PDF

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