Volume 50 (2017)

To beyond or not to be

4 Introduction
Dirk van den Heuvel

6 An accidental megastructure
Benjamin H. Bratton

8 Geographies of avoidance
Femke Herregraven

10 The magic of the structure the Speeelhuis Theatre and Cube Houses by Piet Blom
Ellen Smit

12 The total organization of life/ Constantinos Doxiadis
M. Christine Boyer

14 Nodes and Networks
Dirk van den Heuvel and Victor M. Sanz

24 Some notes on a sketch with arrows
Laurent Stalder

26 Life in the infosphere
Richard Vijgen

28 Habitat: or the disruptive Power of a Situated notion
Tom Avermaete

30 Total Space Workshops

31 Colophon

Publicado por | 5 de mayo de 2017 - 11:42 | Actualizado: 5 de mayo de 2017 - 11:42 | PDF

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