Volume N°35 (2013)

2 Editorial
Arjen Oosterman and Brendan Cormier
4 Glossary of Terms
6 Miracles and Monsters
Urte Rimsaite


11 Verging on Convergence
Rinie Van Est and Virgil Rerimassie interview
15 Why Don’t You
Brendan Cormier
16 Artifice Earth
Adam Rutherford Interview
20 Same as it Ever Was
Timoth Morton


25 It’s all here: Pardisan and Zoopolis
Adam bobbette and Seth Denizen
30 A performance of Bodies and Architecture
Seth and Ariane Lourie Harrison
36 This Will Never Last
Jamie Campbell
40 Watching Your, Watching Me
Michelle Kasprzak
42 A Stroll Through the Bubbles of Chemicals and Men
Etienne Turpin


49 The Prefuture of Synthetic Biology
Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg
52 Generating Community
Oliver Medvedik Interview
56 Mounds at Work
Julie Bogdanowicz
60 Living Among Pests
Joyce Hwang

65 Structuralism insert
Dirk van den Heuvel, Salomon Frausto

97 Synthetic Dementia
Kas Oosterhuis Interview
101 Assimilation
Dillon Marsh


105 Nature through the Windshield
Koert van Mensvoort interview
110 Coming to Terms with Synthtic Biology
Rachel Armstrong
118 Exploring the Invisible
Simon Park
124 How to Build a House: Fairy tale of Sustainable Future
Simone Ferracina and Melka Myers
132 Hackerspaces and the Act of Making
Mitchell Joachim and Melanie Fessel
136 Air Mines
Angel Borrego Cubero and Natalie Jeremijenko
140 On the Surface of a Dust Particle
César Reyes Najera and Ethel Baraona Pohl

144 Colophon

Publicado por | 3 de mayo de 2013 - 11:16 | Actualizado: 3 de mayo de 2013 - 11:17 | PDF

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