Novedades Libros
Concrete :case studies in conservation practice.
Ubic: 693.5 CROc
Earth, Brick & Terracotta.
Ubic:693.22 EARh
Justino Serralta : 1919-2011.
Ubic:759.9895 SERa
ICP concerned : global images for global crisis.
Ubic: 770 INTh
John Cage : a mycological foray.
Ubc: 704.943 CAGt
Traditional ironwork designs.
Ubic: 729.6 FELt
The stone restoration handbook :a practical guide to the conservation repair of stone and masonry.
Ubic: 690 DANs
Brickwork :history, technology and practice.
Ubic:693.22 LYNb
Vertigo Horizontal :pabellón argentino.
Ubic:724.982 INTv
Taller de proyectos arquitectónicos : cementerio en Rascafría.
Ubic: 720.07 LAPt
Pentagram :living by design.
Ubic: 745.4 BROp
Pentagram :living by design.
Ubic: 745.4 BROp
Arquitectura, academia, ciudad.
Ubic: 724.984 NEXa
Un présent qui passe : valoriser le patrimoine du XXe siècle.
Ubic: 710.5 RESp
Curso informes, dictamenes y periciales : s/ la ley de enjuiciamiento civil (L.E.C. 2000)
Ubic: 690.059 LOZc
In conversation, 2020–2021 : dialogues with artists, curators, and scholars.
Ubic: 700 CARc
Casas comunes :arquitectura para la vivienda social en Uruguay.
Ubic: 728.1 MENc1
Freeing Architecture.
Ubic: 720.1 ISHf
The horizon book of : great historic places of Europe.
Ubic: 720.9 DAVh
The architectural expression in Mexico.
Ubic: 724.972 MARa
Miguel Angel Roca.
Ubic: 724.982 ROCmi
100 poster battle 2 : inspired by daily news based upon true stories.
Ubic: 745.5 HUN
Returning to Benjamin.
Ubic: 701.17 BURr
Mariano Arana.
Ubic: 720.92 ARAm1
Small images.
Ubic: 720.1 ISHs
La demolición de los conventillos : la política de la vivienda en el Uruguay autoritario.
Ubic: 301 BENd2
Rome of the Renaissance.
Ubic:724.12 PORr
Ubic: 724.946 GAUl
Great architecture of the world.
Ubic:720.9 NORg
BAQ 2022
Ubic:724.98 BIE-23
Modernización urbana en América Latina :de las grandes aldeas a las metrópolis masificadas.
Ubic: 711.1 ALMm
Roman architecture.
Ubic:722.7 BROr
The urban general plan.
Ubic:711.373 KENu
Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture.
Ubic: 723.1 MACe
Modern Architecture :The Architecture of Democracy.
Ubic: 724.973 SCUm
Países y ciudades : comparación de estrategias para el crecimiento urbano.
Ubic: 711.4 RODp
Building design for maintainability.
Ubic: 690 FEL
The Moscow Kremlin : its history, art treasures, architectural monuments.
Ubic:720.947 MOLm
Paulo Mendes da Rocha, infraestructural.
Ubic: 720.1 ROCg
Testimonios y perspectivas :edificio Centenario.
Ubic:724.9895 CANt1
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe.
Ubic: 724.973 MIEd
Le Corbusier.
Ubic: 724.944 CORc
Frank lloyd wright.
Ubic: 724.973 WRIs
Antonio Gaudí.
Ubic: 724.946 GAUc
Aubrey Beardsley.
Ubic: 741.6 BRIa
The future of the city :new directions in urban planning.
Ubic: 711.473 WOLf
The new downtowns :rebuilding business districts.
Ubic: 711.373 REDn
A matter of light : nine photographers in the Vatican Museums.
Ubic: 770 FORm
Handbook on urban planning.
Ubic: 711.373 CLAh
¿Quien diseña a Estados Unidos?
Ubic: 745.2 QUIh
The metropolitan museum of art guide.
Ubic: 708.73 HOWm
The City.
Ubic: 711.4 WEBci
Urban choices : the city and its critics.
Ubic:711.473 STAu
Ergonomía para el diseño.
Ubic: 620.82 FLOe
Novgorod : architectural monuments, 11th - 17th centuries.
Ubic:720.947 KAR
Planes metropolitanos en Iberoamérica :culturas e instrumentos.
Ubic: 711.398 VICp
Design as future-making.
Ubic: 745.4 YELd
Don't brand my public space!
Ubic: 745.4 BAUd
Kenneth Frampton : teoría.
Ubic: 720.1 FRAk
Ecobarrios en América Latina : alternativas comunitarias para la transición hacia la sustentabilidad urbana.
Ubic: 711.044 ECOa
Arquitectas uruguayas :trayectorias de las primeras generaciones.
Ubic:720.103 ARQc
La Basílica de San Marcos.
Ubic: 726.5 BACb
Madrid en el cine de Pedro Almodóvar.
Ubic:791.43 CAMma
Ramón de Soto : arquitecturas del silencio.
Ubic: 730.92 SOTc
Ajedrez, arte y cultura.
Ubic: 794.1 JAUa
Justicia, naturaleza y la geografía de la diferencia.
Ubic: 711.13 HARj
El tiempo como materia activa.
Ubic: 720.1 RUIt
Diseñando culturas regenerativas.
Ubic: 301 WAHd
The experience of landscape.
Ubic: 712 APPe
Hombres y ciudades.
Ubic: 307.76 CHOh
Santiago Centro: un siglo de transformaciones
Ubic.: 711.483 SANsa
The art of protest: political art and activism
Ubic.: 701.03 ART
Olson, B. Ingrid: History mother, Little sister
Ubic.: 708.973 OLSh
Montessori architecture: a design instrument for schools
Ubic.: 727.1 STAm
Radical pedagogies
Ubic.: 720.071 COLr
Designing design
Ubic.: 745.4 HARd
Data paradoxes: the politics of intensified data sourcing in contemporary healthcare
Ubic.: 610.28 HOEd
Atlas of furniture design
Ubic.: 749 KRIa
The urban block: a guide for urban designers architects and town planners
Ubic.: 711.3 TARb
Words and buildings: a vocabulary of modern architecture
Ubic.: 720.1 FORw
Historia medioambiental de la arquitectura
Ubic.: 721.04 PRIh
Design strategy: challenges in wicked problem territory
Ubic.: 745.4 ROBd
The sex of architecture
Ubic.: 720.103 AGRs
The architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright: a complete catalog
Ubic.: 724.973 WRIar
Diccionario de arquitectura: voces teóricas
Ubic.: 720.1 QUAd
Ciudad Educa: un ritual para aprender desaprendiendo, una propuesta a las paradojas urbanas paceñas
Ubic: 370 MALc
Standing for freedom : portraits of exiled scientists and scholars..
Ubic: 378.103 STA
Urban climates in Latin America.
Ubic: 577.27 HENu
The colour bible :the definitive guide to colour in art and design.
Ubic:752 PERc
Housing first :the pathways model to end homelessness for people with mental health and substance use disorders.
Ubic: 728.054 TSEh
Lugares comunes :reflexiones docentes en el taller de proyectos de una facultad de arquitectura.
Ubic: 720.1 UNIl1
Ampliación del edificio sede de la Junta Departamental de Montevideo :reseña cronológica.
Ubic: 710.9895 MONa1
Art in Latin American Architecture.
Ubic:724.98 DAMa
Our house is on fire.
Ubic: 720.071 ARGd4
Anteproyecto cinco, curso 2014.
Ubic: 720.1 SCHa 2014
Another scale of architecture.
Ubic: 720.1 ISHa
Investigación de energías alternativas aplicables a comunidades del altiplano en vivienda social y productiva para el municipio de Caquiaviri.
Ubic: 728.04 SALi
GEN.fadu :edición Arquitectura.
Ubic: 720.071 UNIg
Publicado por Santiago Ventós | 8 de octubre de 2019 - 09:24 | Actualizado: 20 de noviembre de 2019 - 12:19 | PDF